In a momentous occasion, the first-ever Model United Nations Conference was successfully organized at Cotton University from 25th July to 27th July. The event, named “Cotton University Model United Nations,” was a remarkable initiative brought to life by the collaborative efforts of Cotton University Students’ Union and the Intellectual Forum of North East. The event witnessed 200+ delegates including delegates from the states of Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland and Tripura.
Ankita Sarmah Bordoloi, a bright student from Cotton University, took on the role of Secretary General for the conference. Guiding the proceedings was the Debating Secretary, Binoy Kalita, who served as the Director General, while the Vice President of Cotton University Students’ Union, Himparna Das acted as the Charge D’ Affairs and made the event successful.
The entire Organising Committee comprised enthusiastic students from Cotton University, who worked tirelessly to ensure the event’s success.
Six Committees were simulated in the Cotton University Model United Nations Conference, each dedicated to addressing pertinent global issues and fostering constructive debates among the delegates. The committees and their respective agendas were as follows:
1. Historic Crisis Committee
2. Assam Vidhan Sabha:
3. Lok Sabha:
4. United Nations Human Rights Council:
5. Economic and Social Council
6. International Press Corps:
The conference commenced with an inspiring Opening Ceremony graced by Education Advisor, Government of Assam, Professor Nani Gopal Mahanta, Editor-in-Chief of Northeast Live, Mr. Wasbir Hussain, the Registrar of
Cotton University Model United Nations, Dr. Arindam Garg and the Vice Chancellor of Cotton University, Professor Ramesh Chandra Deka. The Opening Ceremony marked the beautiful start of the event.
The conference provided a platform for the young minds to engage in meaningful dialogue, promote diplomacy, and formulate solutions to global challenges.
The Valedictory Ceremony was held in high regard with the presence of the Honorable Governor of Assam,Shri Gulab Chand Kataria, as the Chief Guest along with Vice Chancellor of Cotton University, Professor Ramesh Chandra Deka and Professor Merry Baruah.
Hon’ble Governor Sir enlightened the students by mentioning many global issues in his speech including Israel-Palestine issue, state of Child Marriage in Assam and Illegal Immigrants in Assam.
With the overwhelming success of this inaugural edition, the organizers are optimistic about the future iterations of the Cotton University Model United Nations Conference, hoping to foster even more constructive debates and impactful resolutions in the times to come.